Friday, July 26, 2013

Weeks 5 and 6- Jean C. Cruz

During the fifth and sixth weeks, as well as continuing to assist in different surgeries, we designed and started our summer project.

       During the fourth week I stopped shadowing Dr. Pua, who has been my principal mentor in respect to surgeries.  However I have contacted various doctors and professors who work in areas that are more similar and significant in respect to my thesis.  Among those doctors I would like to mention Dr. Chiang and Dr. Raj, both interested in the disease progression of Alzheimer.

     Once we have discussed our interests and knowledge in the areas, we have designed two experiments to complete during the following three weeks.  With Dr. Chiang we will be analyzing MRI and PET scan images of Alzheimer patients and determining the correlations between diverse factors that contribute to Alzheimer.  On the other hand, with Dr. Raj we will be designing a new biochemical diagram which will present all the proteins involved in the transportation of AB-plaques that will then be collaborated with different mathematical model through graph-theory algorithm.

        After realizing certain progression in both projects, I have opted to focus on the imaging analysis project during the fifth week.  We have started by analyzing
native-space MRI scan for each subject to define regions of interest, PET scans with flobetapir to label the AB-plaques in our regions of interest and have used the alterial spin labeling (ASL) in our MRI scan to measure the brain blood flow (BBF) in our patients. In addition we have been using the ADNI data base, which have certain extra information for every patient (inflammation biomarkers in the CSF, educational background, APOE and APP genetic info, etc.)  

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