This week I spent the majority of my time in the MRI reading rooms at WCMC, viewing cardiac MRIs and CT images with Dr. Weinsaft. I also spend time viewing non-cardiac MRIs with other radiologists--these were abdominal MRIs, and many of them were looking for evidence of metastasis or response to treatment in cancer patients. I have come to realize that being a radiologist requires the ability to envision cross-sections in the body at many different angles and to understand the relative anatomy in those slices. My understanding of anatomy is very two-dimensional, so the concept of viewing a slice of the abdomen parallel to the ground is challenging for me. However, the same spatial skills developed in engineering have helped me start to piece together a more 3D understanding of anatomy.
The majority of my time this week was spent working on my research project, which is starting to make progress. My clinician mentor and I have settled on a project of writing a code to identify thrombus (blood clots) in long axis, long T1 inversion time MRI images. Consequently, I have spent time coding a script in MATLAB to accomplish this. Also, I have started to become more proficient at identifying thombi with MRI myself-- a necessary step to writing a program to do it automatically!
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